Children’s Ministry
Stonybrook Kids, is the Children's Ministry of Stonybrook Church for ages 6 weeks-grade 3. We are the starting point for the youngest family members to begin building a foundation of faith as they learn to love like Jesus. We base this foundation on three main principles: God made us, God loves us and God wants to be our friend forever.
Information for Parents and caregivers
“We see parents and caregivers as the main source of spiritual development for children, our staff and volunteers are here to collaborate with and support your family. Thank you for partnering with us to influence a generation that will love God, love others, and serve the world!”
- Kasey Fathauer-Lynch, Director of Children and Family Ministries-
Vacation Bible School 2024
Look for more information in 2024
Stonybrook Kids Worship @ 9:30am and 11:00am
Infants & Toddlers: Volunteers and staff will love to hold and play with your infants. We will change your infant’s diaper or feed them a bottle if you leave a labeled diaper bag. Toddlers enjoy a play area filled with toys that spark imagination. There will be a large group lesson which includes age appropriate story-time.
Preschool, ages 3-5: Young disciples have some play time followed by an interactive video story and activities that reinforce the focus of the lesson.
Kindergarten - Grade 3: Elementary children have a chance to worship and listen to a story together and then break up by grade into two teams to participate in activities and discussion.
Check-in Steps
Convenient entrance to the Children’s Ministry area is located in the church’s rear parking lot. Simply enter through the doors under the green awning and walk right into the Children’s Ministry area. Here you will be greeted by our volunteers/staff, and we can assist you with registering your child. After registration, we’ll show you to your classroom and introduce you to the teachers. All our volunteers and staff are trained in Safe Sanctuary policy and receive a background/reference check.
other offerings:
Comfort Room: located in back of our main sanctuary, parents can view and hear the service while caring for their infant or toddler. Rocking chairs, child’s bathroom, a diaper changing area, a private nursing area, and toys are provided in the room.
STONYBROOK KIDS CHOIR - Kids of the Kingdom
Ready, Set.....Sing!! Kids of the Kingdom practices on Wednesday nights from 6:00-6:30 pm, October-April. Children in kindergarten through grade 5 are welcome to attend and share their joy for singing about Jesus. Children typically sing once a month at 9:30am service, in addition to participation in the 5:00pm Christmas Eve service. If your child loves to praise and worship, make sure they do not miss out on this opportunity! Questions should be directed to Kids of the Kingdom Director, Cristina Cebriak at